Protection of windows & doors: safe with Sleutel Expres
How comfortable are you really?
Have you just got handed the keys to your new home? Congratulations! However, the existing locks replaced or high on your to do list? Who knows how many spare keys circulating out there ... Or have you had an unpleasant visit from burglars? Even if they do not effectively invaded your home, replacement of your locks is certainly not a bad idea if you really want to sleep in peace ...
Standard locks additional burglar proof door and window security
Sleutel Expres offers a choice: you can have your existing locks replaced by new standard locks or immediately opt for extra burglar-proof safety locks. We can include the placers of both types for you. For maximum door and window security, we can even extra secure the hinges and window and door profiles. Therefore we work out a sophisticated construction from which we combine elements like:
- anti-burglary frames
- multi-point locks
- bolt locks
- secure screws
- etc.
With security guarantees!
Most of our security locks bear the SKG label that guarantees optimum strength and durability. We can deliver these SKG locks in different categories: 1 * 2 ** or 3 ***. You also can choose the degree of burglary. Remember to inform your insurance company that you have put new security locks! Which may prove very interesting for your insurance!

Are you a private individual or window manufacturer?
Are you the proud owner of a private home and want to replace your locks with burglar-proof safety locks? Please feel free to contact us to schedule a free and without obligation site visit with measurement in the Antwerp region. Also professional installers and window manufacturers can come to us for the delivery of burglary resistant locks and locking systems. The possibilities for a potential long-term cooperation, we prefer to discuss in person during an informal introductory meeting.